Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Testimony

     So, My mom has been telling me for sometime now that I need to start a blog for my drawings and so it will give me something to do. Well here we are. I am going to try to start blogging my art, scriptures, and my life!! I'm not doing this because I want people to know who I am, or love my blog, or even to display my art. I am creating this for me, myself and I. So, to get this blog started, I am going to tell you, no not my life, but my testimony!!

     I was home-schooled until 5th grade, and actually had to repeat 5th grade in public school. I wont say that it was at all a great year for me. It wasn't at all. I was the new girl and no one wanted to speak to me. Since I was a loner, I became a little depressed, and that little bit of depression grew in no time in middle school.
     In Middle school, I was so desperate to make friends that I would take almost any one who would take me in. And, lucky me, I got the kids who hated their lives. Sure it was harmless in 6th grade, the worst thing was that could of happend was probably kids treating us different. In 7th grade we all went a little further than just being depressed and hating our lives. We felt the need to cut our wrists, our hands, and sometime our thighs.
     That didn't last to long with them, by the time 8th grade, they all had stopped their "marking" of the skin, But I ,Oh so lucky me, Had developed an addiction to it. Almost as if I needed the pain. As if i liked to watch the skin separate. I know, kinda repulsive. I would use my pencil during school or at home, sometimes I would find a sharp piece of plastic. Glass always had a petrifying fear on me, so I never attempted such a thing.
      At the end of 8th grade, March 20, 2011 to be exact, I got saved. I gave up my life to live for Christ. Well so i thought. I did get saved, But i didn't give up my Passion for pain till the beginning on August. And it took  the beginning of 2012 on a youth trip to give me that passion to live for Christ, and also my mother taking me out of public school and homeschooling me again helped alot.
    I still remember what the topic was about, Nailing our pasts to the cross. we all took a nail and nailed it to the cross. I actually wrote down something on a piece of paper and nailed it to the cross. And instantly felt better.
     You would think i would live as perfect as i could, but i it wasn't till i connected with a friend of a friend that i had met a years back that changed my life. He has been my "go-to guy" ever since i asked him about his relationship with Christ. God usually speaks through him to me, and answers my quetsions through him.

So, in all, there is my story. I am currently struggling to stay connected with Christ, but also currently winning.

God Bless,

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