Saturday, March 10, 2012

God's Mirror

     God has kept me up tonight, and i do believe that he wants me to start a ministry and go to schools. I would witness to all the sad people who dont feel loved. I have lots of ideas!! But the sad thing is, i looked up the definition to Beauty, and it made my stomach flip!! The definition to beauty is: a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetics senses, especially the sight. Of course we all know that that is The world's definition to beauty, but still, just think abut it. According to this, there is no such thing as "beauty". Because this beauty comes from Photoshop, makeup, and surgeries, not natural.
I was looking up some verses and found one that i have fallen in love with though:
Song of Solomon 4:7, Though art all fair, my love, there is no spot in thee.
It's amazing how God see us, and how we see our self. I wish i had his mirror, The mirror of truth. The one that showed the true beauty. Not just the eye pleasing beauty (look how Lucifer turned out) but the inner. The beauty of helping others, loving others, and caring for others. The beauty that loves our enemies, and loves those who hates us and say such harsh things about us behind our backs.That is a mirror that we can never physically find, but mentally we can find it. I pray that God helps me, and you find that mirror. That mirror that shows the true us.
God Bless,

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