Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Voice

     So, i woke up at 8 this morning, left at 9. Arrived in Atlanta at 11, found the place to audition at 11:30. Got signed in, waited and met a few people in one room for 3-4 hours. Went to another room and met a few people there for about 2 hours. Finally got to the room. waited 15 minuets, went in the room. Sang, and didn't get in. All on a empty stomach! #Score
When i finally ate, i got giddy. and on the ride home confused all texts i got. and crashed when i got home. Found out who made it and who didn't. Chatted with some people. Keeping score on the Wildcats and Cyclone score, (Wildcats are winning!!! ;D )Chugging that green tea, And here i am blogging it all to you. Extremely board and will most likely go and eat some cookie cake and get fat! :)  Even though i didn't get on The Voice, my day has gone very well! :)

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