Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Twitter's Sixth Birthday!!!

Twitter's sixth birthday: first tweets by the tweeters you know best

Remember when you first got Twitter and it was new and awkward and not like Facebook? Take a trip down memory lane with some of these first tweets, then send us yours!
Kanye West
Kanye West: master tweeter. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters
Six years ago today, the world was sent its first tweet. With just two words – and far shorter than the 140 character limit – Twitter founder Jack Dorsey was the first human to publicly tackle the microblogging platform's big question: "What are you doing?" His answer:
Pretty practical for a groundbreaking moment in web history.
So what were you were doing the first time you entered the Twittersphere?
If you can't recall, check out My First Tweet or Tweet#1 to jog your memory. Tweet us your first words using the hashtag #myfirsttweet and we'll retweet our favorites.
Feeling shy? Don't! Here are a few examples of notorious newborn tweets to get your # flowing:
Barack Obama, with more than 13 million followers, the president is far and away the most popular politician on Twitter:
Lady Gaga, Twitter monster that she is, is the first person to boast more than 20 million followers:
Celebrity chef Paula Deen would become an internet meme in her own right, but on Twitter she controls her own message:
Oprah Winfrey says "you get a tweet and you get a tweet and you get a tweet!" Not really, but this was her first one:
Former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's first tweet is rather ironically heartbreaking given the medium (and his misuse of it) is what woud ultimately lead to his downfall:
Rap mogul and self-styled style icon Kanye West has proven a master of the koan-like tweet:
In a chronological list of first-ever tweets, this is guaranteed to be the only time you'll find Gloria Steinem wedged between Kanye and Charlie Sheen:
Actor Charlie Sheen's very public flame-out last year netted him more than a million followers in a single day when he joined and introduced the following hashtag:
Pope Benedict XVI, a pious tweeter if ever there was one:
Dr Ruth Westheimer is an excellent follow – she tweets timeless sex tips and famously tried to crowdsource what a sexual position named after Jeremy Lin might look like:
Samuel L Jackson's might be the best first tweet of all time (with Danny Devito's running a close second):
Rupert Murdoch is a late-comer to the medium, and his odd initial tweets raised suspcions that it might be a phony account:
What were your first 140 characters? Tweet them at us with #myfirsttweet and we'll RT our favorites.

Here are some of your #myfirsttweet posts from today

From Slate editor, Jeremy Stahl:
Rola Kersha didn't have to look back, she tweeted for the first time today:
A bewildered Daniel Crowe reached out to the Twitterverse for comfort:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Homemade Wasp Trap

Ok... this is kind of gross, but clearly it works. Once the wasps go in the bottle they can't figure out how to get out so they get trapped and die. This will minimize wasps, but the only way to eliminate them is to remove their nest or kill the queen.

1) Cut the neck off a plastic pop bottle.
2) Remove the bottle cap and flip the neck upside down and place it in the bottle opening that you just cut.
3) Tape together using packing tape or duct tape.
4) Bait the trap. The easiest is sugar and water, but I've also read that meat works well in the spring and early summer because wasps are attracted to protein, or other options are sugar and water, water and vinegar, beer, soda, even laundry detergent. Adding petroleum jelly or cooking oil along the steep edges of the trap can cause them to lose their footing and fall into the hole.
5) Hang the trap by either taping a string to it, or affixing a screw that you can use to hang.
6) Empty the trap - but first make sure the wasps are dead by pouring boiling water in or freezing. Personally, I'll just dispose of entire trap and make a new one.

One last note, be mindful where you place the trap as living wasps will be attracted to it. Place a distance from where your kids or pets will be spending time. Our son's school place these on the perimeter of the play yard.

* C L I C K * for Prairie Story's Blog

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Voice

     So, i woke up at 8 this morning, left at 9. Arrived in Atlanta at 11, found the place to audition at 11:30. Got signed in, waited and met a few people in one room for 3-4 hours. Went to another room and met a few people there for about 2 hours. Finally got to the room. waited 15 minuets, went in the room. Sang, and didn't get in. All on a empty stomach! #Score
When i finally ate, i got giddy. and on the ride home confused all texts i got. and crashed when i got home. Found out who made it and who didn't. Chatted with some people. Keeping score on the Wildcats and Cyclone score, (Wildcats are winning!!! ;D )Chugging that green tea, And here i am blogging it all to you. Extremely board and will most likely go and eat some cookie cake and get fat! :)  Even though i didn't get on The Voice, my day has gone very well! :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

     Been working on mypainintg skills! Now time to water paint me a "Darth Maul" Cant wait!! Already have the sketch, and soon to add to my collection i will have a sharpie "Darth Maul" with it. Thank God for star wars and art! <3
God Bless,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So My very own Painting. :) Can you tell that it's a bird's head?
God Bless,

Frozen Yogurt Bites!!

Frozen Yougurt! :) Yummy!!
Yogurt Drops: Spoon flavored yogurt into a plastic bag. Squeeze dots onto cookie sheet and place in freezer. They'll be ready in about an hour!
Such a great healthy summertime snack.

God Bless,

Quick and easy Peanut Butter Granola Bars!!

I found this recipe at Savoring The Thyme's Blog, and I thought i would Share!! :) It looks great!! Enjoy!
God Bless,

5 Ingredient Peanut Butter Granola Bars (Yield 12-16 granola squares)
4 cups rolled oats
2 tablespoons chia seeds (these are optional, I just love the texture they give)
1/2 cup unsalted peanuts, chopped
3/4 cup natural peanut butter, melted
1/2 cup brown rice syrup (honey works too!)
add ins!
chocolate chips
wheat germ
flax seed
dried fruit (I made some with cherries!)
other nuts
Preheat over to 350.
In a large bowl, combine oats, chia seeds and peanuts. Add brown rice syrup (or honey) and mix to combine. Add melted peanut butter and mix until moistened. This works as a perfect, simple granola bar, but you can also throw in any add-ins at this time. Fold them into the dough. You may need to get in there with your hands and work the granola dough! If dough is still too dry (this can depend on your ingredients) add more peanut butter or syrup (or honey) 1 tablespoon at a time until moistened.
Press dough in a greased (non-stick spray) 9 x 13 baking dish. Bake for 25 minutes.